Will My Case Be Dismissed if the Victim Refuses to Cooperate?

In our experience, one of the most frequent inquiries we receive from clients pertains to Domestic Battery cases. While having a cooperative victim or complaining witness is advantageous, it’s imperative to understand that cooperation doesn’t guarantee case dismissal or a win for the Defendant. Co-operation Issues The trajectory of your criminal case initiates with your […]

Misdemeanor vs. Felony Crimes in Belleville, IL

DUI law hangover Granite City, IL

In Illinois, there exist two primary categories of criminal offenses: misdemeanor and felony. Misdemeanors entail crimes that carry a potential jail sentence of less than one year, whereas felonies involve offenses with sentences exceeding a year, typically resulting in imprisonment in a penitentiary. Misdemeanors often offer more flexibility in terms of sentencing and potential plea […]

Defining Assault & Battery in Belleville, IL

assault and battery Belleville, IL

Understanding legal terminologies and their implications is crucial in today’s complex world. Two terms often mentioned together in Belleville, IL criminal law are “assault” and “battery.” These terms are sometimes used interchangeably in colloquial language, but they have distinct legal definitions and consequences. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what assault and battery really […]

Can Divorcing Fathers Receive Child Support Payments in Belleville, IL


Whenever men divorce, the one thing they dread the most is all the money that will have to go into alimony payments.  This is why some men in Belleville, IL choose to stay married with their spouse, simply because they cannot afford the child support and spousal payments a divorce would likely create. What a […]

What are the Different Types of Thefts & Punishments?

types of petty and felony theft in belleville il

Different Classifications of Theft & Punishments in Belleville IL Theft in Illinois has been classified under two major categories of a felony and petty offense. The name of the former may imply that the crime is negligible. However, both types attract hefty punishments ranging from hefty fines, jail time, and a permanent criminal record. Below […]

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