Can Divorcing Fathers Receive Child Support Payments in Belleville, IL


Whenever men divorce, the one thing they dread the most is all the money that will have to go into alimony payments.  This is why some men in Belleville, IL choose to stay married with their spouse, simply because they cannot afford the child support and spousal payments a divorce would likely create. What a […]

What To Consider Before Negotiating Child Support Outside of Court

Child Custody

Alton, IL family courts apply state guidelines when deciding the amount of child support that parents must pay after they get a divorce. These guidelines consider parental income and the number of children that will require financial support. In many cases, parents wish to depart from these guidelines and create their own agreement that they […]

What Is A Temporary Order?


Understanding a Temporary Order When a married couple decides to separate, there are many important issues that arise. Formal decisions resulting from court proceedings can take months or even years. Urgent decisions can’t wait that long which brings about the need for a temporary order. A temporary order will dictate how important matters are to […]

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