How to Remove an Edwardsville, IL Traffic Ticket from my Driving Record

Traffic Ticket

One of the worst feelings is to get pulled over when you’re running late to work, or just going about your day. This can happen to any of the drivers in the Edwardsville, IL area. With this in mind, however, it may be all but possible to remove a traffic ticket from your driving record. By filling a “Motion to Vacate” our attorneys are able to bring your ticket then back to court and argue for a more favorable outcome. Under Illinois laws, however, only criminal charges may be eligible for getting removed, not a traffic ticket. If you do want to know other ways to possibly lessen your ticket, or get it cleared from your record, then continue reading on.

Attending Traffic School

One of the ways that Illinois does let you go in motion with is by attending traffic school instead of paying the fine of a ticket. Traffic school can either be in person or online depending on what your preference is. You will have to pay for the certification, but depending on your traffic ticket, you could possibly be paying less than what you were to if you were just paying for the ticket. At the end of the traffic school, you are able to take a test that will help you get a certification.

Hiring an Attorney for Your Traffic Ticket

Another option that you are able to do if the ticket is high, or at risk of losing your license is to hire an attorney. An attorney’s job is to help you lessen your ticket fine or help get the ticket cleared off of your record completely. Your attorney will talk to the judge before a case is registered against you. Again, this is something you will need the proper funds for. However, depending on the ticket itself, it could lessen your chances of paying for a high ticket.

Showing Up to Your Court Date

The last thing that our team would advise you to do is go to the court date that you are scheduled for. Let’s face it, however, no one likes to sit in a courtroom as a way of spending their afternoon. However, by doing so, judges are known to drop charges, depending on how serious the ticket is.

If you have received a traffic ticket and want to learn how to remove it from your record, give our team at Elovitz Law Office a call today!

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