DUI & DWI Lawyers serving Alton, Illinois
Have you been arrested for drinking and driving? Need help? Call your local DUI attorneys to talk about the options you have under the law. At Robert Elovitz Law Office, we provide legal assistance to those that have been accused of DUI or DWI in Alton, IL and throughout the surrounding Metro-East communities. As a family-owned business, we understand the toll that these types of charges can take on your family, and we’re here to use our resources to help minimize the effects of these charges on your life. With over 25 years of legal experience, we’re here to use that experience for your benefit. Call now to receive a free consultation of your case.

DUI & DWI Alton, Illinois
As Alton Illinois area attorneys, we’ve committed to providing assistance to people how have been charged with DUI and DWI. DUI is the term used in the State of Illinois, and it applies to those that have been arrested while driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% or higher. Additionally, you may be charged with DUI in Illinois if you’ve been arrested on suspicion of driving with drugs in your system and resulting tests show a concentration of 5 or more nanograms of THC or 10 or more nanograms of other illegal substances. In the State of Missouri, you’re charged with driving while intoxicated or DWI for a BAC of .08% or greater for regular drivers and of .04% or greater for commercial drivers.
Possible DUI & DWI Penalties
When it comes to penalties for DUI or DWI, these may vary depending on the state and the specific situation. For first-time offenses, the penalties are minor and include small amounts of jail time and minor fines. However, when more than one offense occurs, the fines and the amounts of possible jail time increase – find complete details on our “DUI Law” page. Additionally, the penalties for these offenses may be compounded due to injuries or deaths that occur as a result. This is referred to as aggravated DUI. Aggravated DUI or aggravated DWI offenses include increased jail time and larger fines.
What to do if you’ve been pulled over?
Many people want to know, what exactly should they do if they’ve been pulled over after drinking? The easy answer is to not drink and drive in the first place. However, if this does happen. There is no easy answer. Unfortunately, refusing to take a breathalyzer may bring an automatic suspension of your license, whereas cooperating gives the officers evidence in the case against you. The best advice is to answer as few questions as possible and cooperate with the officers to the best of your ability without starting any confrontations.

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